There is No Magic Marketing Strategy
Guess what?! There Is No Magic Marketing Strategy when it comes to marketing your business! You have to work and work to create a concrete plan on how to market your business. Below are 5 awesome pointers for marketing your biz!
- USE SOCIAL MEDIA – social media is one of the #1 ways to get information out into the world. It makes a HUGE difference.
- IDEAS ARE NOT PLANS- Ideas are great, but you need a PLAN to make things happen.
- Look at WHO SHOULD YOU BE MARKETING TO? If you sell skateboards, you aren’t going to try to market to a hospital or nursing home right?! RIGHT. Don’t waste your time and money.
- Use GOOGLE MY BUSINESS. This is a MAJOR factor in marketing. You want YOUR company to be on the list of options when googled! Here is the link to get started:
- Promote something for FREE! Everyone loves free and people are automatically attracted to the word itself. Have giveaways, put out some coupons, anything to get people to try your product!