Resources ≫ Mobile Options

Mobile App Clocking

Easy Time Clock offers a free mobile app as a clock-in tool for employees. Here are some things to know about the mobile app:

mobile app (small)


Download the app here!

  • No additional charge

  • Available for most Apple and Android devices

  • Fingerprint login

  • Track employees' coordinates at the time of clock in/out using our comprehensive audit log

  • Require GPS tracking for employees on an individual basis

  • Set up one or more geofence location restrictions with adjustable placement and radius

  • Employees view map of location if not within geofence location

  • Make exceptions for individual employees who should not be restricted by location

  • Allow employees to clock into projects, worksites, lunch, and breaks

  • Restrict individual employees to only clock in/out on the mobile app, while still allowing web access to view time cards, check PTO balances, and request time off

  • Auto logout available to user

  • Free updates and support

Text Message Clocking

Text message clocking is an option for employees who may not have internet or computer access on the job. Employees clock in and out by typing “etc” to the designated short code. Employees can clock in and out of projects, breaks, and lunches by typing the name of the project or break after the “etc.”

Additional charges are applied at 5c per punch when using this feature. Text message clocking is not included in the 30-day free trial, but can be activated with a prepayment on the account.

Please contact Customer Service to activate this feature.

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