PTO in Easy Time Clock: Assignment and Accruals

Now that you have your PTO categories set up and assigned to your individual employees, it’s time to learn about the PTO Balances page. These page is far less involved than the previous two, so don’t fret too much about doing much work in either of these pages.

The PTO Balances page is exactly what it sounds like; a page to view the PTO balances for each of your employees. This page is designed to make this information as easily accessible to you as the Admin as humanly possible. This page is also where you would go to set the annual start date for PTO; say you wish for their PTO to reset on their anniversary date, you can do this here in the “This Year’s Start Date” column. 

This Year’s Carryover shows you how much PTO has been carried over from the previous year. This number is also editable, so you can add or subtract hours from this column as you see fit. 

The Start Using Date allows for you to set a date in which an employee’s PTO can be used. This allows for PTO to be accrued by the employee, but they would be unable to use said PTO until they reach the date you’ve designated in this column. 

Advance Allowed allows you to provide them an advance in their PTO without having to add these hours to the overall accrual rules you’ve set in the initial setup. The earned After Start Date column lets you see how many hours they’ve accrued since the beginning of their start date, while the Used After Start Date column lets you see how many hours have been used since that date. The Available column allows you to see how many PTO hours the employee has at a glance! 

In my next entry, we will discuss the “Edit Hours Earned” column and learn how to make corrections to PTO hours manually! See ya then!