Ways Easy Time Clock Integrates with Payroll Providers
Easy Time Clock has a long history of working with payroll companies. Timekeeping and payroll both fall under the human resource category so its no question that they go hand in hand. One of the first additions we built was the export to payroll feature. We integrate with over 40 payroll providers in the United States. Here are the most common ways to get data from your time clock account to your payroll provider.
There are 3 ways to get hours into a payroll system.
The first way is entering the time clock data into the payroll system manually. To do this you need to log into your payroll system and your time clock system. In the time clock system, go to the detailed report or time card edit page and determine if the hours worked are accurate. If they aren’t then go to the time card edit page to make adjustments. Once that is done pull up the summary report that is the time frame of your pay period. In your payroll system pull up the page to enter hours. In this solution, you truly will take the information from the time clock summary page and enter the hours in by employee per category. If you have less than 5 employees with minimal categories, manually entering the data goes pretty quickly. If you have more than 5 employees and have more pay categories, this will be the slowest way to complete payroll. You absolutely can do this route if you are more comfortable and running payroll this way works in all payroll systems.
There are two other ways to get the time clock data into a payroll solution. Our export to payroll feature works in several ways. The most common way is through a downloadable document in the proper form to fit your payroll company. We can create an export file into a CSV and Excel format. In this situation, the Admin or the Supervisor goes to the detailed report page, reviews your employees’ time cards for accuracy and when they are confirmed correct, click on the export to payroll button. This will create a downloadable file that you can save to your desktop or retrieve it from the download folder. Then log into your payroll provider account. Look for an option or setting that says “import” timekeeping hours. You will click the import hours and it will bring up a document box to choose the proper file. Click the accept button and the file will upload to the payroll system. This should populate the hours. Then lastly you just review the payroll report and click submit. The first time you do this you may have to set up the option or turn it on depending on your provider requirements.
The third way to use this feature is to get a direct connection to the payroll provider. This is also called an “API” connection. API is short for Application Programming Interface. The simple definition of what happens is that our system sends the hours directly to the payroll system. You go to the Summary Report after you have confirmed your hours, and click the button, “send payroll.” While this step requires more set up than the export, and everything has to match perfectly, it makes processing payroll take even less time. As of to date, we are aware of only 1 payroll provider that offers an API solution.
In 2019 Easy Time Clock recognized that the most feature request that we received was for a payroll solution that directly worked with the timekeeping components. We launched ETC Payroll through a partnership with Polaris payroll. This allows us to offer an integrated payroll solution while also providing years of payroll experience. As of the date of this blog, the system works very similar to the export/import option. However, we are working our way to a more integrated system to offer an API solution. Feel free to reach out to us for a quote if you are looking for a new payroll solution! Or you can visit our website www.easytimeclock.com/payroll for more information.